Tuesday, December 8, 2009

This experience

Blogging has been a completely new experience for me. I honestly never thought that I would use this technique after the day we did it in our technology class during PS1. I honestly didn't know what to expect from this activity.

I have shockingly enjoyed this assignment more than I thought I would. I liked that classmates could give their perspective of what they saw in class or took from the reading. I know that the class and I have had some debates about the simplest of concepts about why they are simple, or why we choose or accept them. This has been a completely different world for me, before this class I didn't read blogs; I partially was unaware of what they really meant.

I still feel uncomfortable about my views being out there for the world to see and someone taking my views in with their past history influencing what they take from what I am saying. I still don't actually like this factor because I am not the best at expressing what I am trying to say in to words. I don't like my inability to immediately say, that isn't what I meant if someone misunderstands me. I don't like confusion!!! haha Therefore I don't always just simply put my point of view out there without the background information which I am sure you could especially see in my last blog posting about the farmers needing aid or assistance.

I wonder if these blogs will affect me in the future. I am currently contemplating whether I should delete these posts post grading or if I should leave them here as something to remember my state of mind during this process? To help me reflect on things I was going through and that I was learning about.

I hope you all enjoyed this experience as much as I did! I hope that I gave a different perspective for you to see the issue from and perhaps even sway your opinion or at least open you up to my point of view.

I think I can admit to you all, I never would have thought that I would actually blog a day in my life! My family was like what??? You are blogging? Weird!!! But now that I have done it, I am not opposed to the idea of using it in my class.

1 comment:

  1. I think blogging is an important tool that you can always pull out of your sleeve when you have the right class for it. Personally, I think sometimes quieter students might be able to benefit from blogging. Perhaps blogs could be an outlet for those students. Also, there are so many curriculum links that can be made with blogging. For example, while blogging the kids also get a chance to practice their writing skills. Now, of course, whether to blog or not to blog could also be determined on the age of the kids you are teaching. Obviously, you would not use a blog with grade one students, for example, however some teachers keep class blogs and get their students to respond with questions about topics, etc.

    I think that in this day and age a whole new concept of privacy is being developed especially with the big Facebook trend. As future teachers we do need to be careful about what we put on the web, but as long as you are responsible and conscientious about what you are putting out there then I know you will be fine.

    As for keeping the blog I would say keep it. I now have some regrets about deleting my old blog from PSI. Sometimes I wish I could just look back to see what I was talking about a few years ago. I think revisiting things from the past is always neat. For instance, I love finding old assignments and reading professors comments. It is really neat to see how much I have changed or grown since those comments. Therefore, keep it!
