Thursday, December 3, 2009

Alberta is Nothing???

In class the other day Professor Runte stated that most of the world saw Alberta as nothing. The idea that our big province, with plenty of resources was seen as nothing makes me extremely sad. Now I know that when it comes to a political perspective that our province gets the shaft or denied all the time, or at least a lot.

I feel that the issue that faces a lot of the people from my area have been ignored or at least not given the attention they deserve. Farmers, they are very important to the world! But they are continuously denied the help that they need (not every farmer needs help, but currently a lot do). I have watched many farmers and ranchers for that matter struggle to make ends meet and even have to give up a lifestyle that has been passed down in their family for generations. Farmers and ranchers produce the food that we eat, yet we deny them. I feel like we are biting the hand that feeds us?!?! Isn't there a saying about that... that tells us NOT to do that?!?!?!

BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy), droughts and hard years continuously affect their ability to put food on the table for their families and yet we ignore them. They have a tough life and they are an important part of our stability when it comes to food. Why are we ignoring them? I guess this issue might be closer to home because I hear about the families that are struggling. One of the neighbours to our farm had to give in last year, he sold all his cows because he couldn't afford to keep the lifestyle going. Farming and ranching isn't just another job, it is a lifestyle, and a hard one...

I initially didn't agree with Professor Runte saying that Alberta was nothing, but after thinking about how issues like this are ignored, I can't help but wonder if he is right.

Alberta is an awesome place! I don't think it should be ignored; we have a lot to offer and frequently do. Alberta deserves respect and I think we should start demanding it!

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