Thursday, September 24, 2009

Meritocracy & Pay Scales

The concept of Meritocracy is quite fascinating to me. I don't understand why this technically shouldn't be the best way of having a society work. Obviously it doesn't work, since the rich still get richer and the poor still get poorer (I don't think that every rich person is better than every poor person).

I want to almost piggy back on one of the things I read in Amanda's blog, "Meritocracy - Revisiting Functionalism ". She was talking about the brain surgeons being a critical part of our society (I read a little sarcasm into that point). I have to question what some of the vital positions in our society are. Could MOST of us survive without a brain surgeon? What about the garbage being picked up? The teacher that taught us everything? The NFL football player who is paid millions a year to tackle the opposing team? Which of those four could we probably survive our normal day to day life without? NFL player??? brain surgeon??? yet those are the 2 highest paid of the 4. I think our society needs to revamp our priorities. Is it because not everyone can do those jobs? or is it because not everyone was given the opportunity to try out those activities/jobs?

Quite frankly, as a student of MANY years and now a teacher in the making I feel it is okay to admit NOT EVERYONE CAN BE A TEACHER. I think that there is a misconception about teaching - that everyone can teach. Everyone can go through the motions and maybe be a technician of teaching and I emphasize the maybe... but actually teach? NO!!! We have all had that teacher where we have dreaded the class, couldn't make it through the class, couldn't understand what they were trying to convey to us. So many things go into making an "educated" teacher that not everyone can do it. So if we are basing our pay scales on how valuable we are, teachers should be at the top of the list. Brain surgeons didn't get through how many ever years of school without teachers. They didn't teach themselves!

I really would like to get the respect that we deserve. I feel we do a very important job for this society and quite honestly, sometimes it scares me!

:) Brandie :)

1 comment:

  1. My 2 cents worth on the idea that anyone can be a teacher is here:
